Clay and Nadine

Sunday, July 30, 2006

More House Pictures!

Dining room windows
Rear view of the whole site. House now has roof on!
Inside the main floor
Looking out of bedroom window, looking south

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Here's a few pics of the notorious Weiner.

"Please let me on the couch!"

The fetal position at naptime.

Whatchou talkin' about Willis!?

The house

We are still astounded at the fact that we are doing this! A new house! The best part of this whole experience is being able to watch each stage of the construction of our new home. Admittedly, we have gotten a little carried away with the drive-by's, stopping by to check in on the progress almost every day. We have turned into "new home geeks", (and proud of it).

Enjoy the pictures... and keep checking in, we will be updating them regularly.


Here's where you can come for all things that may, or may not, be interesting in the life of Clay and Nadine.